Tuesday, July 16, 2024
The RP Group

Tia Brown McNair Resources

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Equity - Driven Guided Learning Pathways for Student Success
RP Conference presentation (2016) on session on key elements of how to design equity-driven guided learning pathways that embed high-impact practices and defined learning outcomes with equity goals to promote student engagement and success.
AACU LEAP Initiative and VALUE Rubrics
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.
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Equity - Driven Guided Learning Pathways for Student Success

RP Conference presentation (2016) on session on key elements of how to design equity-driven guided learning pathways that embed high-impact practices and defined learning outcomes with equity goals to promote student engagement and success.

AACU LEAP Initiative and VALUE Rubrics

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.
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